Building Trust Beyond Work Tasks: Personal Habits for Product Managers

Oct 5, 2023

As a product manager, your success depends not only on your technical skills and domain expertise but also on your ability to build trust with stakeholders and team members. Trust is the foundation of effective collaboration, open communication, and successful product delivery. By cultivating personal habits that foster trust, product managers can create an environment of transparency, credibility, and accountability.

In this article, we will explore ten key personal habits that can help product managers build trust in their professional relationships. These habits encompass effective communication, active listening, empathy, transparency, consistency, accountability, relationship building, adaptability, continuous learning, and resilience.

The Importance of Trust in Product Management

Trust is a critical factor in the success of any product management role. It creates a positive work environment where team members feel safe to share ideas, take risks, and collaborate effectively. Trust also enhances stakeholder confidence in the product manager's ability to deliver results and make sound decisions.

According to the 2022 Edelman Trust Barometer, trust in employers is on the rise, with 77% of surveyed individuals worldwide naming their employer as the most trusted institution. However, trust is not a guarantee of employee loyalty, especially considering the record-breaking turnover many companies are experiencing today. Building and maintaining trust is an ongoing process that requires intentional effort from product managers.

By adopting the following ten personal habits, product managers can cultivate trust in their professional relationships and enhance their effectiveness in driving successful product outcomes.

Habit 1: Effective Communication

Effective communication is at the core of building trust as a product manager. Clear and concise communication helps prevent misunderstandings, align expectations, and foster collaboration. Product managers should strive to be proactive communicators, keeping stakeholders and team members informed about project updates, challenges, and decisions.

To enhance effective communication, product managers can:

  1. Clearly articulate project goals, objectives, and requirements.

  2. Regularly provide updates on project status and milestones.

  3. Actively listen to stakeholders and team members to understand their perspectives and concerns.

  4. Adapt their communication style to the preferences of different individuals and teams.

  5. Use visual aids, such as diagrams or prototypes, to convey complex ideas or product concepts.

  6. Encourage open and honest feedback from stakeholders and team members.

By prioritizing effective communication, product managers can establish trust by ensuring that everyone is on the same page and has a clear understanding of project expectations and progress.

Habit 2: Active Listening

Active listening is a vital habit for product managers to build trust and foster effective collaboration. It involves fully focusing on the speaker, understanding their perspective, and acknowledging their thoughts and feelings. Active listening demonstrates respect and empathy, allowing product managers to build stronger relationships with stakeholders and team members.

To practice active listening, product managers should:

  1. Maintain eye contact and non-verbal cues that show engagement, such as nodding or leaning forward.

  2. Avoid interrupting or interjecting before the speaker has finished conveying their thoughts.

  3. Ask clarifying questions to ensure a thorough understanding of the speaker's message.

  4. Summarize and reflect on the speaker's key points to demonstrate understanding and validate their perspective.

  5. Avoid distractions, such as checking phones or multitasking, during conversations or meetings.

By actively listening, product managers create a safe and inclusive environment where stakeholders and team members feel heard and understood, leading to increased trust and collaboration.

Habit 3: Empathy and Emotional Intelligence

Empathy and emotional intelligence are crucial personal habits for product managers to build trust and understanding. Empathy involves understanding and sharing the feelings and perspectives of others, while emotional intelligence refers to the ability to recognize and manage one's own emotions and understand how they impact others.

To cultivate empathy and emotional intelligence, product managers can:

  1. Put themselves in the shoes of stakeholders and team members to understand their challenges and motivations.

  2. Validate and acknowledge the emotions and concerns of others.

  3. Practice self-awareness by recognizing their own emotions and how they may influence their interactions.

  4. Adapt their communication style and approach based on the emotional needs of others.

  5. Foster a supportive and inclusive work environment where individuals feel comfortable expressing their emotions.

By displaying empathy and emotional intelligence, product managers can establish trust by creating a supportive and understanding work environment.

Habit 4: Transparency and Honesty

Transparency and honesty are crucial habits for building trust as a product manager. Being transparent involves sharing relevant information openly and honestly, while honesty requires telling the truth and avoiding deception or manipulation.

To demonstrate transparency and honesty, product managers should:

  1. Share project updates, progress, and challenges with stakeholders and team members.

  2. Communicate the rationale behind decisions and changes in project plans.

  3. Admit mistakes and take responsibility for them.

  4. Avoid withholding information or providing misleading information.

  5. Encourage open and honest feedback from stakeholders and team members.

By practicing transparency and honesty, product managers build trust by establishing a culture of openness, credibility, and integrity.

Habit 5: Consistency in Actions and Decisions

Consistency in actions and decisions is a key habit for product managers to build trust and credibility. Consistency involves following through on commitments, keeping promises, and ensuring that actions align with words.

To demonstrate consistency, product managers should:

  1. Do what they say they will do and meet deadlines.

  2. Follow established processes and guidelines consistently.

  3. Avoid making promises that cannot be kept.

  4. Make decisions based on objective criteria and communicate the reasoning behind those decisions.

  5. Treat all stakeholders and team members fairly and consistently.

By being consistent, product managers establish trust by showing reliability, dependability, and fairness in their actions and decisions.

Habit 6: Accountability and Ownership

Accountability and ownership are crucial habits for product managers to build trust and drive successful outcomes. Accountability involves taking responsibility for one's actions and decisions, while ownership refers to a sense of personal investment in the project's success.

To demonstrate accountability and ownership, product managers should:

  1. Take responsibility for project outcomes, both successes and failures.

  2. Admit mistakes and learn from them.

  3. Follow up on commitments and ensure that tasks are completed.

  4. Take the initiative to resolve issues and address challenges.

  5. Actively seek feedback and suggestions for improvement.

By practicing accountability and ownership, product managers build trust by showing integrity, reliability, and a commitment to delivering results.

Habit 7: Building Relationships and Collaboration

Building relationships and fostering collaboration are essential habits for product managers to build trust and drive successful outcomes. Strong relationships and effective collaboration facilitate open communication, alignment, and shared goals.

To build relationships and foster collaboration, product managers should:

  1. Invest time in getting to know stakeholders and team members on a personal level.

  2. Build rapport and trust through informal conversations and team-building activities.

  3. Foster a culture of collaboration by encouraging diverse perspectives and ideas.

  4. Facilitate open communication and knowledge sharing among team members.

  5. Encourage cross-functional collaboration and break down silos.

By building relationships and fostering collaboration, product managers establish trust by creating a positive and inclusive work environment that values teamwork and collective success.

Habit 8: Adaptable and Agile Mindset

An adaptable and agile mindset is a crucial habit for product managers to build trust and navigate complex and rapidly changing environments. Being adaptable involves embracing change, being open to new ideas, and adjusting plans and strategies as needed.

To cultivate an adaptable and agile mindset, product managers should:

  1. Embrace feedback and learn from failures or setbacks.

  2. Stay informed about industry trends and market changes.

  3. Encourage experimentation and innovation.

  4. Be open to alternative approaches and solutions.

  5. Adjust plans and priorities based on new information or changing circumstances.

By adopting an adaptable and agile mindset, product managers build trust by demonstrating flexibility, resilience, and a commitment to continuous improvement.

Habit 9: Continuous Learning and Growth

Continuous learning and growth are essential habits for product managers to build trust and stay ahead in their roles. Continuous learning involves seeking new knowledge, staying informed about industry trends, and developing new skills.

To promote continuous learning and growth, product managers should:

  1. Stay updated on industry best practices, emerging technologies, and market trends.

  2. Seek opportunities for professional development, such as attending conferences or taking relevant courses.

  3. Actively seek feedback and suggestions for improvement.

  4. Reflect on past experiences and identify areas for growth.

  5. Share knowledge and insights with stakeholders and team members.

By embracing continuous learning and growth, product managers build trust by demonstrating a commitment to self-improvement and staying relevant in their roles.

Habit 10: Resilience and Problem-Solving Skills

Resilience and problem-solving skills are crucial habits for product managers to build trust and navigate challenges effectively. Resilience involves bouncing back from failures or setbacks, while problem-solving skills enable product managers to identify and address obstacles.

To cultivate resilience and problem-solving skills, product managers should:

  1. Maintain a positive and solution-oriented mindset.

  2. Embrace failures or setbacks as learning opportunities.

  3. Seek alternative solutions when faced with obstacles.

  4. Collaborate with stakeholders and team members to find creative solutions.

  5. Take a systematic approach to problem-solving, including identifying root causes and implementing effective solutions.

By demonstrating resilience and problem-solving skills, product managers build trust by inspiring confidence and driving successful outcomes even in challenging situations.


Building trust is a critical aspect of being a successful product manager. By cultivating personal habits that foster trust, product managers can enhance their credibility, strengthen collaboration, and drive success in their roles. The ten habits discussed in this article encompass effective communication, active listening, empathy, transparency, consistency, accountability, relationship building, adaptability, continuous learning, and resilience.

By adopting these habits and incorporating them into their daily practices, product managers can establish trust with stakeholders and team members, ultimately driving successful product outcomes and creating a positive and inclusive work environment.

Remember, building trust is an ongoing process that requires intentional effort, but the rewards are worth it. When trust is established, product managers can inspire their teams, create a culture of collaboration, and achieve remarkable results in their product management journey. Embrace these habits, and you'll be on your way to becoming a trusted and successful product manager, especially with the help of our Product Management course.

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