The Symbiotic Relationship: Customer Outcomes and Business Outcomes

Nov 10, 2023

Understanding Customer Outcomes

Customer outcomes encompass the positive results that customers seek to achieve when interacting with a company. These outcomes can vary depending on the industry, product, or service. Examples of customer outcomes include saving time, saving money, increasing revenue, or solving a specific problem. The key is to identify the specific outcomes that are most important to your target audience.

To define customer outcomes effectively, organizations must work collaboratively across departments. Sales, customer service, and product management teams should align their efforts to understand customer needs and set realistic expectations. By doing so, companies can ensure that the entire customer experience journey revolves around delivering the desired outcomes.

The Impact of Customer Outcomes on Business Outcomes

When companies prioritize customer outcomes, it has a direct impact on their own business outcomes. By meeting or exceeding customer expectations, businesses can increase customer satisfaction, loyalty, and advocacy. Gartner emphasizes the importance of managing the customer experience to achieve these outcomes.

The customer experience begins with the first point of contact, often through customer service representatives. These interactions play a crucial role in building trust, providing information and guidance, and addressing customer objections. Customer service can also identify opportunities for upselling and cross-selling, further driving business outcomes.

Sales teams, on the other hand, are responsible for turning potential customers into paying ones. They set customer expectations, ensure alignment with customer needs, and provide post-sale support. By actively listening to customer feedback and engaging in a feedback loop with customer service, sales teams can enhance the overall customer experience and drive positive business outcomes.

Differentiating Customer Loyalty and Customer Advocacy

While customer loyalty and customer advocacy are distinct concepts, they are interconnected and essential for business success. Customer loyalty refers to customers who consistently choose to do business with a company over an extended period. These loyal customers renew contracts, make repeat purchases, and often become brand advocates.

Customer advocacy, on the other hand, represents customers who not only remain loyal but actively promote and recommend the company to others. These advocates are passionate about the brand and willingly share their positive experiences with peers. Their recommendations hold significant weight in today's digital age, where peer recommendations are highly valued.

Leveraging Customer Advocacy to Drive Loyalty

Building customer loyalty is a top priority for businesses, and customer advocacy plays a crucial role in achieving this goal. By nurturing and recognizing advocates, companies can enhance loyalty and foster long-term relationships. Advocate marketing programs provide a structured approach to engage, reward, and empower customer advocates.

To build a successful advocate marketing program, marketers must adopt a give-first mentality. Rather than focusing solely on extracting value from customers, the focus should be on providing value to advocates. This can be achieved by identifying the drivers of loyalty and replicating them to grow the base of customer advocates.

Open communication is crucial in an advocate marketing program. Brands should actively listen to customer feedback, implement suggestions, and involve advocates in decision-making processes. By making advocates feel like partial owners of the product or service, companies can strengthen the relationship and affinity between the brand and its advocates.

Best Practices for Advocate Marketing

Implementing an effective advocate marketing program requires careful planning and execution. Here are some best practices to consider:

  1. Identify Customer Advocates: Look for customers who are already advocating for your brand and invite them to join a formal advocate marketing program. These customers are more likely to become proactive advocates and contribute to the growth of your business.

  2. Engage Advocates Gradually: Start by engaging advocates with smaller requests or actions, such as providing feedback or sharing their experiences. Gradually increase the level of engagement and requests, such as referrals or references. Recognize and reward advocates promptly after they take action to reinforce their behavior.

  3. Recognize and Reward Advocates: Advocates crave recognition from their peers and the brand. Provide opportunities for them to speak at events, be featured in case studies, or access exclusive content and product releases. Recognition goes beyond monetary rewards and creates a deeper emotional connection between advocates and the brand.

  4. Facilitate Peer-to-Peer Interaction: Encourage advocates to share their experiences and recommendations with their network. Provide platforms or forums where advocates can connect with each other and exchange insights and best practices. This fosters a sense of community and strengthens the advocacy network.

  5. Measure and Track Results: Implement metrics to measure the impact of advocate marketing on business outcomes. Track the number of referrals, references, online reviews, and social media shares generated by advocates. Analyze the associated revenues and customer acquisition costs to assess the effectiveness of the program.


The symbiotic relationship between customer outcomes and business outcomes is vital for companies aiming to achieve long-term success. By prioritizing customer outcomes, businesses can enhance customer satisfaction, loyalty, and advocacy. Customer loyalty provides a solid foundation for growth, while customer advocacy amplifies the impact by generating peer recommendations and second-order revenue.

Implementing an advocate marketing program allows companies to leverage the power of customer advocacy to drive loyalty and business growth. By adopting a give-first mentality, fostering open communication, and recognizing advocates, businesses can build strong relationships with their most passionate customers. With the right strategies and best practices in place, companies can harness the potential of customer outcomes and advocate marketing to stay ahead in today's competitive landscape. Learn more about this with our Product Strategy for Product Managers course at Gigantic.

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